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Miriam Miller
(510) 224-5623
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  • A woman in an unintended pregnancy, shares her story
  • Third Box, a resource for the unsure women in an unintended pregnancy
  • Third Box organization and who do they serve?
  • What services does Third Box offer women in unintended pregnancies, who are unsure of what to do?
  • What type of medical and emotional care does Third Box offer women in unintended pregnancies, who are unsure of what to do?
  • Third Box is expanding throughout major cities in the United States.
  • Unsure about an unintended pregnancy? Third Box provides free medical and emotional care.
  • Third Box Organization
  • Are you more likely to be unsure about an unintended pregnancy based on where you live? #ThirdBox

One in Four Women in Unintended Pregnancies are Unsure of What to Do, as Demonstrated by Third Box-Sponsored Study.

Organization Launches Its National Expansion Campaign In Key Metropolitan Areas Where Uncertainty Is Consistent With the National Average

/ PR Newswire / — Third Box, a new resource for the unsure women in an unintended pregnancy, today announced results of a recent survey demonstrating that despite the current polarizing two-box political approaches, one in four women in unintended pregnancies are unsure of what to do.  This data corresponds with the organization’s expansion of its reach to women in California regions, and its footprint across the country providing free medical and emotional care, in a space apart from ideology or politics, with no bias toward outcome.
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The organization’s primary mission is to ensure that women with unintended pregnancies who are undecided as to what to do are given the time and space they need to make their decision, without the influence of the external agendas that currently drive the discussion around this issue.  It also announces today the intention to expand its reach in California and begin opening facilities in Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C./Baltimore, New York City and Miami.

“We know that more than anything else, women facing unintended pregnancy need emotional support and medical care during the time they spend deciding what they want to do.  While there are many destinations for the decided woman, Third Box is the only organization solely focused on meeting the needs of the unsure woman in America,” said Shari Plunkett, President and CEO.  “Our clients need time, space and support to reach their own conclusions based on the combination of factual information and their own beliefs and values.  Third Box provides relief for the unsure woman caught in the abortion cross-fire.“

A recent study, commissioned by Third Box through Public Opinion Strategies, shows that of the estimated 2.7 million women who find themselves facing an unintended pregnancy in the United States annually, 25 percent (600,000+) are unsure about what they want to do.  The study also shows the variance, by location, of women who were either unsure, would be more inclined to continue or would terminate their unintended pregnancy.  Many of the major cities have a high percentage of women who are unsure of what to do, while the majority of the suburb locations show a high percentage of women who are more inclined to continue their unintended pregnancy.  Additionally, it was discovered that emotional support (from a variety of sources) is the most sought-after need for women during the decision making process.  In many cases, the women fear telling the people they most need support from, and so they seek it elsewhere.  Third Box is committed to meeting this need, along with providing free medical care and a safe space for women with unintended pregnancies to process their thoughts and feelings.

About Third Box
Third Box is a non-profit 501(c)(3) social franchise organization that exists to serve women with unintended pregnancies who are unsure of what to do.  Third Box is a space apart from ideology and politics, focusing solely on the needs of the unsure woman.  There are approximately 2.7 million women each year in the United States who find themselves in unintended pregnancies; 25% of the women are unsure of what to do.  Third Box provides free immediate medical care and professional counseling through licensed clinicians and master degreed interns.  While there are multiple destinations for the decided woman, Third Box is the only organization solely focused on meeting the needs of the unsure woman in America.  Third Box believes in loving their neighbors as themselves and is committed to providing every unsure woman in an unintended pregnancy the time, space and support she deserves to make her own decision, based on her beliefs and values.


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<a href="">One in Four Women in Unintended Pregnancies are Unsure of What to Do, as Demonstrated by Third Box-Sponsored Study.</a>