Nahdi Team are conducting vital tests to pilgrims to include: Blood pressure, weight, and blood sugar measurement. Our aim is to reach out to everyone and be close to pilgrims to help them performing Hajj in good health. 
فريق النهدي يجري فحوصات حيوية لضيوف الرحمن تشمل قياس ضغط الدم ومستويات السكر في الدم والوزن. هدفنا ان نصل الى الجميع ونكون بقرب الحجاج والحرص على صحتهم ليتمكنوا من تأدية مناسكهم وهم بصحة جيدة

Nahdi organizes Medical Hope Convoy to serve pilgrims in cooperation with the Ministry of Health

Contact Us

Nesreen Hijazi - [email protected] 00966557719494

Nahdi organizes Medical Hope Convoy to serve pilgrims in cooperation with the Ministry of Health

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